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Manitoba's Most Delicious Honey!-Faith Apiaries

Natural Honey in the Comb-Faith Apiaries Natural Honey in the Comb

Our delicious premium Clover and Wildflower honey in its natural form, just as the bees made it!
As honey comb is a natural product, tray weights will vary.
Honey Sticks-Faith Apiaries Honey Sticks

A fun way to make our delicious premium Clover and Wildflower honey a convenient treat.
500g Liquid Honey-Faith Apiaries500g Creamed Honey-Faith Apiaries 500g Liquid or Creamed

Choose our delicious premium Clover and Wildflower honey in either liquid or creamed form
500g Squeeze Bottle Honey-Faith Apiaries 500g Squeeze Bottle
A convenient squeeze bottle for our delicious liquid premium Clover and Wildflower honey
1kg Liquid Honey-Faith Apiaries1kg Creamed Honey-Faith Apiaries 1kg Liquid or Creamed

Choose our delicious premium Clover and Wildflower honey in either liquid or creamed form
3kg Liquid or Creamed Honey-Faith Apiaries 3kg Liquid or Creamed

Choose our delicious premium Clover and Wildflower honey in either liquid or creamed form.
All liquid pails require additional lead-time before they will be available for pickup or delivery.
5kg Liquid or Creamed Honey-Faith Apiaries 5kg Liquid or Creamed

Choose our delicious premium Clover and Wildflower honey in either liquid or creamed form.
All liquid pails require additional lead-time before they will be available for pickup or delivery.
15kg Creamed Honey-Faith Apiaries 15kg Creamed

our delicious premium Clover and Wildflower creamed honey.
15kg pails are NOT available as liquid. You are free to warm the honey to liquefy if you so choose.
Products listed below are not elligable for free delivery on their own.
Products listed below can qualify for free delivery only when they are accompanied by a reasonable dollar value order of items listed above.
Bee Pollen-Faith Apiaries Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is one of nature's superfoods! It is collected by foraging honey bees, and is the main protein source for their young..
Our pollen is produced in Manitoba, but is not produced by Faith Apiaries.
175g $15
454g $30
Flavoured honeys from The John Russell Honey Company-Faith Apiaries Flavoured honeys from The John Russell Honey Company

If you know John Russell flavoured honey, you know that a finer flavoured honey product cannot be found. As a courtesy to John Russell and our customers, we carry several flavours from the John Russell collection.

Visit the John Russell Honey Company website to choose your products and let us know what you'd like so we can get your order to you.

Flavoured honeys are NOT eligible for free delivery as a stand-alone order but can be combined with other products on this page and can then be delivered at the same time. Please include a purchase of at least $20 worth of other products from this page if you are wishing to take advantage of our offer of free delivery.
375g $10
Buckwheat Honey-Faith Apiaries Buckwheat Honey

Buckwheat is a strong tasting, dark honey that will dominate in flavour wherever it is used. A favourite in Slavic and Eastern European cultures. As a dark honey, Buckwheat honey has a high level of antioxidants and is a much loved staple in Polish, Ukrainian, and Jewish culinary recipes.

Buckwheat honey is NOT eligible for free delivery as a stand-alone order but can be combined with other products on this page and can then be delivered at the same time. Please include a purchase of at least $20 worth of other products from this page if you are wishing to take advantage of our offer of free delivery.

Our Buckwheat honey is produced in Manitoba, but is not produced by Faith Apiaries.
Subject to availability
375g $12
500g $14
1kg $22


32076 Road 89 North
Libau, MB R0E 1C0, Canada

Pages: Follow us: About us:

We produce only the finest Clover and Wildflower honey.
Our nectar sources are those found in hay and marsh land
and include clovers, alfalfa, sweet clovers as well as a
myriad of seasonal wildflowers. These nectar sources give
our honey a unique, clean and natural flavour that cannot
be found in any other honey.